Leaving The Nest?

The wheels of life continue to turn, and much as we want to, we cannot keep our young ones forever under our wings. There comes a point in life when we need to let them go off on their own and create their own experiences as young adults. We can only hope that we have ingrained in them the values we would want them to live by and that they may eventually find the tribe that shares these values and will help them thrive in in this challenging world.

Last August, we’ve had to learn to let go when my son Seve flew to New York to study in Fordham University. This meant a whole new adjustment for all of us. Since then, our interactions were limited to just Zoom or Messenger calls weekly. Thanks to technology!

His moving in didn’t come without any challenges. Adjusting to a new culture and climate was just the beginning. There were little challenges that came after that. Now three months after his arrival, I decided to ask him how he has been and what were his own realizations. I invited him for a chat to talk about it and to share what his learnings were with others. This is the link to that chat on my YouTube channel.

Hope you can watch it and tell me your thoughts. Have you ever had one or your children leave home? How was it like for you? I’m looking forward to your comments!

Happy thoughts everyone!

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