About SIGnature


Hi! My name is Sigrid Perez and I am a mom of 8 kids. Yes – that may seem surprising especially in this day and age. I had always wanted a big family (well truth be told, we were aiming for 6 but received 2 more blessings!).
My husband and my friends had been prodding me to share my experiences in a blog for quite sometime but I had never really gotten down to doing it till now. There were many attempts, but I always seemed to find myself dumbfounded and wanting of topics to talk about. I knew however, that if I was going to write about something, it would have to reflect who I am and what matters to me.

When thinking about a title, my husband Paul was quick to say, why not “Signature”? This was obviously a pun on my name. I thought it was quite creative. And so it stuck.
So after much thinking, I said, yes… I could write about my life with a big family – the challenges, the joys and everything in between. And yes.. I could also write about play! It was something I had done a lot of as a child, as a teacher, and now as a Mom. Play is a fun topic to write about and I’m pretty sure it will be a joy to be doing just that!
But more than just the fun part, I feel that I could talk a lot about promoting play as an important component in the overall development of a child. The effects of Play is felt both in the short and long term. It gives immediate happiness for the child – just give him a stick, and see what he can do with it. He can transform it into a wand and he is immediately whisked off to a different world! The merits of play are boundless!  He is only limited by his own creativity. Yet, as he plays, he is also unknowingly learning about the world around him and developing skills and taking on challenges that he may otherwise do if it wasn’t within an environment of play.
I think what we as parents are more concerned about is its impact in the long term life of our child – when the child enters adulthood. A child’s play experiences says a lot about how he will face challenges at work or in his personal life.
Through play, one nurtures creativity. At the same time, his creativity is expressed through play. This is their unique and symbiotic relationship.
Here’s to the child in all of us and to a life full of play! 




“Everything we do on Earth, should be worthy of a place in Heaven”
Perez Family Vision

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