Moms Helping Moms

Hi everyone!

As a mom, I am passionate about mom’s and children’s causes as well. As such, I came up with a Facebook page called Moms Helping Moms which is intended to be a community of moms helping other moms ride through the waves of motherhood. 

Motherhood doesn’t come with a manual, as they say. Everything is pretty much learned on the spot, or as we go along. Thanks to the internet, resources available for moms are now abundant and there are online mom communities who are able to provide help when needed.

Moms Helping Moms seeks to be a community that understands situations, circumstances and the needs of other mothers throughout the different stages of motherhood: from expectant moms all the way to grandmotherhood. 

We had our first activity last November 14 which was a workshop called An Invitation to Pause. It was an invitation for moms who feel they need to find some balance and their sense of self amidst their circumstances. Click here to see photos of that event.

We invite other moms who are willing to commit a part of their time and have the heart to help other moms at any stage. Share with us in what way you are willing to be part of this community! Contact us through the following ways:


FB Messenger

Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!